Sunday, March 27, 2022

the food shortage


The food shortage in the world

The population of over 8 billion people

Somewhere millions will go hungry

Somewhere millions will have no homes to stay

This isn't new in our times

We saw it in the world wars

We see it even today's events

Millions still go hungry and without homes

It can be any part of the world

There will be the homeless or vagabond

This is to test our faith in our religion

It is better to give then receive

The rich countries in the world

The richest people in our population

They may help in charity and goodwill

It is still the politicians making the rounds

We know about politicians

They will salivate on power and benefits

All for themselves, relatives or cronies

Nothing will be given for the common people

The world we live and die

We will watch the harsh reality of life

If the governments suppress people with fear

It is the evil regime wanting to rule forever

The food shortage in the world

It is the politicians in governments

They should find ways to make it work

As it is they salivate on power and benefits

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