Monday, June 24, 2024

langkawi islands in economic woes


The conservative rules by the opposition states

The tourism industry will hit into the hollowness

It can't be restricted to Muslim only tourists

Langkawi Islands will cry for the years to come

The tourism players and hotel operators

They have to face the stark reality

The island will not be pulling tourists

Locals or foreigners to spend the tourism dollars

The islanders shouldn't cry now

They voted the crocodiles to rule

Be prepared to suffer economic losses

As it is Langkawi Islands is facing economic woes

Now under crocodiles management

The Kedahans shouldn't cry or complain

They want to go to heaven

They forget to enjoy paradise

If they can't make it in paradise

They will not be welcome in heaven

If they can't solve problem A

Going to solve B will be more difficult

moving backwards a lost of time


Renaissance man

Moving backwards will not progress

Don't entertain your race as a whole

Build up your paces on economy

Focus on the whole nation

This is the reason to progress

Stop playing politics for your own sake

The voters are fed up with it

Raise the bar on economy

This is where you would play your game

No need to say with so many words

Actions will make the differences

Open up a diplomatic relations with Israel

It will help you to negotiate for peace

In the conflicts in Middle East

No need to dislike or hate

Renaissance man

You want to make history?

Open diplomatic ties with Israel

For peace and economy

Renaissance man

Moving backwards you lose

No need to say with so many words

Actions will make the differences

together will make it a success


The Old Man in his time

Time that was gone long ago

Ago to his displeasure of moments

Moments he should reflect and say sorry

Sorry is hard for him to say

Say it he will not play that way

Way of his past causing us pain

Pain in the bad vibrations

Vibrations of the past

Past comes back to haunt the present

Present leaders have to cope

Cope with ways to stop the rot

Rot is part of the worst

Worst in poor management

Management of bad interests and corruption

Corruption cutting deep in society

Society of a class of people

People who have labels to win

Win it by direct negotiations

Negotiations with connections

Connections back to the Old Man

Man the work hide the truth

Truth as they say will set us free

Free to pursue our needs to prosperity

Prosperity with unity

Unity of all races with colors blind

Blind to carry our tasks together

Together we will make it a success

don't walk on the lonely roads


Forget the lonely roads

You will not feel at ease

You will feel the rising cortisol

Making you sweat if you are lost

Even living in the cities

The maze of roads and buildings

The back-lanes of bad or drug addicts

Waiting for the fools to walk in

When the economy is bad

Living will have its ups and downs

The fear of losing in battles

Finding a place to settle down

In the crowd of ordinary people

Blending in will be easy in the days or nights

Nobody will care what will be the outcome

They will walk straight or hurry to go somewhere

But don't walk on the lonely roads

The dim lights and bad shadows flow

It will become a bad dream

If something bad has to happen

Sunday, June 23, 2024

lies, damned tales and politicians


Lies, damned tales and politicians

They will sing it out loud for all to hear

When they are caught with their pants down

What will they say to the voters?

It is a little mistake

Nothing serious will be the chorus

A mistake is a mistake

A wrong is a wrong

You can't solve algebra

Without hitting right on algebra A

Your can answer on question B will be wrong too

Lies, damned tales and politicians

The crocodiles can't think straight

They are good on spinning on their religious tales

Those drama of fools will fall so quickly

Dreaming of heaven in their minds

If they don't enjoy paradise

Heaven will be out of reach

Do they realize it?

Lies, damned tales and politicians

A sad tale for the nation

The bad politicians raining bad tales

Cooking too much in one sauce

Lies, damned tales and politicians

the parliament speaker


The Parliament Speaker

It's time he has to tackle his role

On the 6 MP in the August House

As their membership is terminated

The moos want 6 by elections

It isn't the party right to call

It is the Parliament Speaker

His right to allow or with-hold it

The 6 MP aren't wrong

The anti-hopping law doesn't apply

They didn't quit their party

They were sacked or terminated

They are now Independents

They still can exercise their rights

They don't breach the law on AHL

Why the moos so eager to call?

Though the moos can claim

Ros approved the party amendments

Sack members must vacant their seats

The issue still the right of the House Speaker

The court will be the next course of action

The 6 MP can file it in court for a decision

Let the Speaker decide the way he sees it

Currently they are the Independents

don't invite the crocodiles


Renaissance man

Going back-ward to stay

On his position

Doesn't he see it is wrong move?

He has enough majority

He shouldn't feel insecure

He shouldn't feel he can't perform

In politics nothing is guaranteed

Now talking to crocodiles

Wanting this toxic party to join

In the unity government

Has Renaissance man gone in the wrong direction?

He is talking on 2R again

Wanting all one race party to rule

He should look squarely in the mirror

He may have betrayed the mandate of the voters

The Rocket shouldn't stay quiet

If it really happens it will not serve us well

The Rocket should break-away from the coalition

The voters are important for their votes

Renaissance man

Stop playing the political game

Leave the crocodiles alone

Concentrate on rising the economy

the morning lights


The morning lights

Casting it through

Across the sky

The bloom to the eyes

The waking eyes

Opening to see

How nature help

Waking up to face the day

Forget about everyday blues

Focus on the rising morning rays

Spreading its golden lights

Across the sky

It says don't worry

Run on with the tasks

Make it a joy for others

Listening to the sound

That's the morning lights

The glory of the day cries

Don't worry about the time

Make it a joy for others

Saturday, June 22, 2024

the deep rooted issues


The country deep rooted issues

It will not be easily solved by unity government

As the current ministers do play a part before

Playing Santa Claus to the cause of our pain

Corruption is high on the list

The easy take without a pain in the mind

The short cut of living to experience it

About jail sentence it can wait

The bad politicians will drive in

Creating issues on 2R to serve their interests

They will not try hard to raise the economy of interests

They just want to take during their term holding positions

The racial harmony will take a back seat

As the bad politicians will try to cook up the heat

It is only to ring for their own interests

In the past on the divide and rule game

Renaissance man knows the issues

He was part of the blame game in the past

Now he has to redo the bad policies

But he seems reluctant to get it done quickly

So here we stand today

The divide and rule still lock in

UG leaders still walking slowly

But the national debt isn't sleeping

the pockets aren't heavy


The pockets will be light

Light as costs will take high

High to the profit makers

Makers will say it is their rights

Rights to survive in business

Business on the economy

Economy the opposition avoid

Avoid it to feel good

Good to fool their own kind

Kind of interests and relationships

Relationships if it is built on trust

Trust to fulfill the road of unity

Unity the opponents don't want

Want of power and wealth

Wealth in their minds and eyes

Eyes to fill up their pockets

Pockets will light

Light as costs of living high

High as what we will see

See the subsidies gone

Gone to survive

Survive the nation needs

Needs to stay afloat

Afloat with economy rises

the rain of tears


The rain of tears

Falling down hard on the ground

It never wants to choose sides

Every part will get wet

The areas prone to floods

The house-owners will stay watch

Afraid of the rising water

Along the rivers or ponds

The clogged drains

The people will realize

The old habits causing pain

When it rains

The rain of tears

The desert people will sing

It will shower them a good sign

At least to watch the lights

The people who stay on land

Don't forget to remember good habits

It will help to save lives

When the rain of tears fall

the old tales repeat


The drama of fools

So many in a race

The narrow view

Hitting on the wrong code

Though they will say

Their faith will bring

The better living

Every other is wrong

They don't read it well

Their tales aren't original

The others too did the stories

The tales to restrict freedom

The fire in their minds

It isn't nothing new

Other faiths did the same

What's new in their view?

They are the drama of fools

Trying hard to play a game

It had been played centuries ago

Like the Crusades of the Christian era

A majority can't rule the world

Like China or India with large population

The world still follows a lesser god

Calling the shots dressed up in democracy

The drama of fools

Don't get short sighted

Read the scriptures

God is playing light and dark

Friday, June 21, 2024

stop approving for new political parties


Ros should stop approving

The race base parties in politics

The nation has too many such parties

It will bring more racial problems

Do we need it?

No race base parties

The current ones should merge

Into a multi-racial outlook

It will be good for the nation

Every race will be covered

Everyone can live in harmony

Nobody can feel slighted

If a law needs to be amended

The government should put it in legal papers

Let Parliament decide the course of action

Else Ros should write it to any new party

dreaming of a good life


Dreaming of a good life

It isn't just dreaming it away

It can be achieved if we plan for it

Work it to bring out the lights

Dreams can come alive

If we don't let it stay in our minds

Everyone has many opportunities

Giving each of us a hope to make it

Somehow many fail

Along the way they find traffic jams

Indulging in drugs and bad habits

Eventually they get nothing

They will blame it all

They don't say they are the causes of it

Dreaming their lives away

Wishing something good will come their way

It will never happen

We have to work hard on it

In work in business in opportunities

Then living a good life will happen

the mad people


The mad people

Hard to see them change

They can see images

They will smoke a difference

They shout for hours

Anything they can think

The parents or relatives

They will stay quiet

Even if doctors pay a visit

They will see but they can't do a thing

The mad people in their eyes

They keep the doctors have their living

I have seen and lived around them

In the neighborhood of mad people

They have the glaring eyes

Don't provoke them

They will be afraid

Of men in blue

This is how they stay

Living quiet for a while

a weak leader


A weak leader

The structure of leadership

It will be burrowed

Cutting it deep for self interests

It can happen

In every structure of organization

In business or in politics

A loophole many will jump in

There is no denying

When a leader is weak

He will be cornered or pampered

The ulterior motives will not be disclosed

For this kind of a leader

He will think everything is fine

But underneath is the current flow

Undermining his authority

Even in partnership of government

A weak leader will not make much changes

He will be controlled by the other partners

For he is afraid to lose his authority and power

Thursday, June 20, 2024

the competitive ranking


The competitive ranking

It is that important to any country?

It is like a busybody and apple polishing

The government should think hard on economy

The internal economy should jump up

It is where the good feeling will rise

This is where the people can feel it

When they are good everything will fall in

The exports have gone up

It shows something positive is moving

The government shouldn't waste time replying

Of a competitive ranking drop

As long as the government is firmed and united

The music of songs will reach out in melody

Everyone will listen to it in the air

The good vibrations on economy

The opposition should come out with suggestions

No use shouting at the side road showing lack of understanding

Why a country drops its ranking in competitiveness?

It isn't just one factor contributing to its fall

Find ways to jump up the economy

Internal and export markets

As long as the economy is moving

Why worry about competitive ranking?

we have to live without subsidies


We must realize

The subsidies will be gone

In our everyday living

It has to stop

This country has too many subsidies

All because the past prime ministers wanted to buy votes

Using subsidies as one of the vehicles to garner it

From the majority race to stay on power

As a result the nation coffers will slowly diminish

She doesn't have funds for developments

Because of subsidies to feed the majority of race

Leaving less funds for other purposes

Now the subsidies will be slowly gone

Everyone has to accept it and start moving ahead

Don't say it is T20 will benefit too

It is a political play by the previous administrations

The people shouldn't complain or cry

It is the truth the nation will suffer

The subsidies can't be forever

It is better to swallow the bitter pill now

Else GST will have to make a come back

It will tax through the chain of a transaction

The nation needs funds to cater for developments

The nation needs it for everyday expenses too

the fire


The fire

Not the real one causing

Pain or death

When it engulfs its victims

The one causing

The fear or worry in the mind

Dealing it with money

To settle the score quickly

It can be on the seas

The recreation yacht owners will experience

Being stop by the maritime police or navy

With guns pointing at them to intimidate

The fire

Of fear and worry

Hitting hard in the mind

Many will pay to stay free

Even men in police

They too aren't the saints

There are cases on record

So IPCMC should walk in now

Renaissance man

He can shout all the times

Actions must be taken seriously

Revamped it with outside auditors

The fire

On the lake

Those who are on the take

The sins will be paid in full

the play of football


The play of football

Sabah, Sarawak and now Johore

Dribbling the balls showing of skills

Taking pot-shots at the goalkeeper

Renaissance man has to be agile

He has to stay on constant eye contact

He can't lose his concentration

As the goals will keep on shooting

The defenders don't stay in cohesiveness

They will argue with late defending and passes

Calling each other names though in the same team

They don't see many eye to eye on football

Renaissance has to stay active

Guarding his goal post with care

He can't allow any goal to pass his hands

It is his job to block all the goals

The play of football

Sabah, Sarawak now Johore

Shooting goals every chance

Renaissance man has to defend

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

days of subsidies will be gone


The nation of people

Days of subsidies will be gone

Take the bull by its horns

Learn to live without it

Brave the twisters

It will hit us hard

As the nation wants to survive

In the economy of interests

The majority race

They need to stand on their own

They can't shout for their benefits

Over 60 years still playing ignorant?

The nation can hit bottom

With a huge debt hanging on her head

Everyone needs to sacrifice

Cause by the previous administrations

the affairs


The affairs

It will happen

When lust takes control

Leaving sanity of rules behind

The marriages of statistics

Of divorces ringing in the chart

The affairs running through

Why it has to happen?

It is about sex

The greed of lust

Cruising in the mind

The needs of playing truant

The drumbeats of hot sparks

It has gone out the windows

The relationships become a routine

Nothing to glow into hard beats

Love hasn't been cheated

When lust takes control

The hound dog feels the need

Running on the streets

The affairs

The adventures of lust

It will happen single or married

If the rules are broken to pieces

are reforms on the cards?


Renaissance man

Is he walking backward or reforms?

The way things are shaping up

Likely into the old way

The decades spent in opposition

He would have known what ills the nation

The way he was treated badly

Spending time in prison too

Now he has his chance

He hasn't done as he promised

He only did say in public

Don't spook his race”

It shows his thinking

He isn't going to change

The decades playing in opposition

He should have quickly gone for reforms

He's an aging leader

Why he hasn't gone to change?

He doesn't have much time on his hand

He needs to stand firm on his promises

Renaissance man

The hollowness of changes

Only corruption he barks on it

The bad laws he still forgets