Wednesday, June 05, 2024

blame the bad politicians


Malaysia should ride high

The decades of stability and joy

Yet she hasn't gotten it

She suffers in her fate

The bad laws running

The corrupt officials and politicians

Ruining her reputation to the world

The shame she feels through her eyes

The divide and rule

A major race can't live without it

Afraid their rights will be taken away

When there is nothing to be afraid

The Federal Constitution

The supreme guardian to protect

All the interests of the citizens

Though one race gets a bit extra

Every race understands it

On the Constitution as it stands day

Going to a few hundreds amendments

Still the rights of all races maintain

The old saying

United we will grow

Share our differences and faith

Recognize our rights and live

Blame the bad politicians

Planting the bad seedlings to grow

Until today Malaysia isn't riding high

She struggles to get back her focus

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