Tuesday, June 04, 2024

IPCMC still in the closet


IPCMC still in the closet

The decades shouting hard to be heard

It hasn't gotten its way out yet

As the police afraid to welcome it

IPCMC rings out loud

The government leaders can't hear

Once they were in the opposition

They shouted hard for it to arrive

Now these leaders

Holding posts including prime ministership

They have gone deaf and mute

They forget the shouting while in opposition

Now thugs died in shoot out with police

The police officers well trained in uniform

Should be able to stop the thugs instead of killing

This is why IPCMC should step up to handle the case

The police want to close the case

No need to find out how the thugs get the guns

They don't want to find out where the weapons came

Shoot to kill to close the case without investigation

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