Tuesday, June 04, 2024

the bad teachers


The bad teachers

They should be weeded out

They shouldn't be allowed to teach

They will bring a bad name

NTUC should advice its members

They shouldn't teach on divide and rule

Distorted history to suit a race

They should set the record straight

All teachers should stay away from politics

They may cloud their teaching in the classes

If they are immensely influence by party ideology

They shouldn't teach if they can't differentiate it

The ministry of education officers

They should monitor it too

The education minister must put a stop to it

Condemning the minority isn't the national spirit

A majority doesn't mean it can rule

As history has shown us a different tale

Japan conquered Asia or Asean countries

Mongolia at one time ruled China

Israel fought her way

The Middle East countries lost

Even if they combined in war

Israel won in the 7th day clashes

It is best to cultivate friendship

Show the way of compassion and tolerance

Fighting to show dominance

It will not last the distance

The teachers should just teach

The right way to live and be successful

Refrain from toxic remarks or lies

NTUC should remind its members too

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