Tuesday, June 08, 2021

let Parliament reconvene in whatever forms


Parliament should reconvene

In whatever forms it has to be

Let it get cracking and booted out back door

It has to be done to get the nation glow

As it is happening now

Too many flip flopping on SOP

Even the police seems to have its own

The people getting angry and confused

The whole back door should go

Some can't take criticisms at all

They will instruct their aides to file police report

Is this the way to deal with criticisms?

The police shouldn't have entertained

They have other pressing matters to attend

Why spend unnecessary days and times on it?

The police should investigate them instead

Parliament should reopen

The people are angry and frustrated

The lock down hasn't improved the situation

Because Miti allowed 128,150 companies to open

Is this a lock down or log down?

Let Parliament reconvene

Let the members debate or boot out back door

Ask for accountability on monies expended

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