Monday, June 14, 2021

the next prime minister


The next prime minister

He better abolishes the draconian laws and OSA

It serves no purpose in democracy

Let the people speak their minds

The next prime minister

He should abolish the Sedition Act

This piece of outdated law from Colonial days

It has no right to block democracy

The rights of the people must stand

No such laws should be enacted to stifle growth of minds

Any such laws in existence it must be amended or abolished

The democratic principles must stand up as our lights

The next prime minister

He must be direct

that party shouldn't used religions to campaign

Because religions have nothing to do with politics

The next prime minister

The death penalty must be abolished

Taking a life isn't a right of any one or court of law

Let the guilty serve time for life to repent and learn

The next prime minister

National Unity is the corner stone to progress

Let the races share and work together to build the nation

Every sweat and tear for the nation to glow

The next prime minister

We must select the right candidate

Don't pick candidates under Peter's principles

It will be a mental pain for us to live with it

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