Wednesday, June 16, 2021

the nation in tears of sadness


The nation in tears of sadness

The pillars of democracy seems crushing down

Leaving us with a painful caged mind

Afraid to say so much because of the blues

They will come knocking at our doors

Taking us to the station pointing us the law

Because they will say it is the back door

They have no choice but to get on the ride

Moo knows he has lost his game

He lives through the Emergency

He doesn't care what others say

He wants his chair to feel its power

So he will hang on refusing to let go

As power has usually corrupts the mind

The taste of it will make a person forgets

The base of his life and his praying everyday

The nation in the dark valley

Fighting an enemy we can't see

Yet the back door refuses to say goodbye

Bringing the nation and us down the dark pit

It doesn't need to happen this way

The back door has failed

Karma has come to strike it away

His Majesty can forget about his personal preferences

He has given his pick enough chances to pull it off

But His Majesty should know Moo can't handle the crisis

He should use his authority to pick a new one to run the nation

Rule section 40 of Constitution shouldn't apply now

Since the last sultan of Perak done away with it in 2009

Where the Federal Court had affirmed its decision

The nation in tears of sadness

The back door takes us down the Dark Valley

His Majesty should take up his duty now

Appoint a person to pull us out of the bad dreams

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