Wednesday, June 30, 2021

let us do the real lock down!


EMCO in areas of high infection

The barb wires surround

Police and army officers

Guarding through the days and nights

The lock down has failed

The back door has to admit it

Because there is no seriousness

The businesses still carrying on

Miti dishes out permits

So easy to the business operators

Some use it to travel cross borders

C19 will dance with glee

The clusters formed

The infection rate jumping high

The lock down doesn't help

The emergency too has failed

The emergency is used to prop up a person

He has no majority to stay in his business

The waves of deaths in C19 keep rising

Don't let University Washington say it right

The university predicts 29,000 deaths in September

We have to protect ourselves whatever we can

We can't depend on the back door and vaccinations

Because Rocking Rona isn't afraid to cross borders

EMCO in areas of high infection

It tells us the failure of control

Why do people don't listen?

Let us do the real lock down!

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