Friday, June 11, 2021

we need to bite the bullet


What is a lock down?

When many business sectors are open?

Rocking Rona will not come down

It will form a new cluster around

We need to bite the bullet

Stay off the streets and economy

Let Rocking Rona find no hosts

It will surely turn into dust

But are we doing a lock down?

The back door is afraid to bite the bullet

It wants the economy to flourish in the pandemic

With many sectors opening C19 can play its game

The lock down and emergency

It is a failure to stop Rocking Rona

We still hear the spread and new clusters

The death toll reached over 3,000

Let us get a new face on the scene

The back door has failed in its attempt

Because karma has worked her ways

The back door should quit before it becomes worst

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