Monday, July 19, 2021

living in the pandemic


Living in the pandemic

We don't have choices to say

The rules must be obeyed

Because the vaccines can delay it

Don't make a mistake

We aren't immune to the pandemic

It still can cause us to be infected

The vaccines are building walls of protection

In UK the people demand to be back

Have they gone mad in their minds?

This is what C19 wanted them to do

The free hosts to be infected

The Delta variants spread quickly

MOH says it takes 15 seconds

But the British want back to normal

It isn't going back to where it was

Wearing masks have its drawbacks

But it is one of the defenses to avoid infection

It will not let the virus attack so quickly

It has to fight for its prize to get the hosts

Living in the pandemic

We have to help each other

Follow rules and get vaccinated

The normal isn't coming yet

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