Thursday, July 22, 2021

the game of politics


The Old Man has learned

He shouldn't resign so quickly

He didn't consult his partners then

He let go of his position

Now he cries he wants it back

But it is too late for him

Somebody takes it over

Now Moo learns it

He doesn't need to resign yet

He will still find frogs or monkeys

He holds it until such time

Parliament is reconvene

Else HRH the King may summon him

Until then he has his time to play his game

Many believe the Old Man knew

The Sheraton suite in the news

He didn't like the way it was played out

So he absent it showing his displeasure

But he shouldn't have resigned then

Now Anwar and gang has to move

The motion to remove the back door

For losing the majority of members

It has no reason to stay now

The back door has to go

It has no skills to managed the pandemic

It has no skills to steer the economy upwards

It only brings shame to the nation and people

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