Thursday, July 08, 2021

moo sends in your white flag


Moo has to go

There is no reason to stay

He can look on his options

He has no majority

The chief wolf plays out his card

Withdraw support for the back door

With it the majority flies with the wind

Moo can sit on the grass to admire the moon

It is better he tenders his resignation

He isn't welcome to stay on

He causes the C19 rising the chart

He causes the deaths toll to rise

The rogue 25 wolves

They have to think twice now

They can be sacked from the party

If they refuse to toe the party stand

No matter how Moo look at it

He has no majority to stay on the chair

Be a gentleman and leave the stage

Let someone capable to handle the affairs

The people will not miss him

The people will want him to go as soon as possible

He has brought shame, misery and pain to the nation

So Moo be a gentleman; send in your white flag

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