Saturday, July 24, 2021

pennies on the streets


When you see pennies on the street

You should pick it up you shouldn't ignore it

The universe is telling you about your vibrations

The good things or events will come your way

The pennies on the road or side alley ways

Sometimes you will spot it in the malls while walking

It is calling you to pick it up quickly before somebody else

It tells you of the good charm in your life

I used to pick up pennies on the road

Sometimes on the way to the market

It isn't about the value you pick it up

It is about good fortunes the universe will send

At one time in the mall

I missed a $5 dollar bill at the back of me

I was a few seconds late somebody picked it up

It wasn't my lucky charm that day

Overall I would say I was blessed

I have lived an easy abundant life

The universe giving me part of my dues

There are more coming my way

Pennies on the streets

Pick it up when you walk by

It will send you the good charm

The universe wants to give

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