Sunday, March 05, 2023

the heyday will be in unity government


The heyday of the wolves

It may not come again

Too many political race centric parties

It doesn't help the nation to grow

These race parties will harp on similar issue

Race and religion in every part of their speeches

As if it is the only way to progress the nation

The leaders should study history and economics

The day of race base parties control

It will be the story in history book

As it is said wisely “Too many cooks spoil the soup”

The heyday will be in unity cooperation

No single party can get the power and benefits

Any winning party has to join up forces

The winning party in Sabah and Sarawak

Sabah and Sarawak will play a dominant role

In the ways of administrating the nation

No single party in Malaya will get the cake

It will be the heyday in unity cooperation

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