Tuesday, March 28, 2023

the Old Man whines


The Old Man whines

Like an old lady getting cold

Eyes may have lost its sight

Yet his mind still never get tired

The words he spins

It's all about one race

Losing it all he says

When he was out of office

He is good at his rate

He doesn't care he will burn the house

He only spins on his race

Afraid the losses will ruin

The causes and losses of his reign

The Old Man doesn't seem to remember

He only spins his tale on his race

Losing it all he says

The trouble with the Old Man

He always thinks of a race

He doesn't think of his consequences

Even the nation as a whole

Once he was a master of his game

Now the voters told him to forget

His age has caught up with him

He better prays hard and doing good deeds

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