Friday, December 01, 2023

the animals law


15 kittens died in Jerantut market

Who is the culprit killing the kittens?

A police report is lodged to find the culprit

MAA offers a $5,000 reward to nail the person

The culprit should understand the Animal law

Any person who commits a crime on animals will pay and jail

There is no escape for cruelty to animals

We should just let them run around

Though we can chase them away

Without causing harm to the animals

Basically the animals are looking for food

Scavenging for it disturbing the mood

The strays in our lives

They will hang around in the markets

They will roam in hawker's centers

All they need are some food to stay alive

It is sad the 15 kittens died

They shouldn't have met their fate this way

I rescued 4 kittens to stay alive

Though one died last month of sickness

The 3 surviving kittens still running

Around the garden playing their games

Maybe when they mature they will run and roam

Some will say they will return for their meals

Pray the police will find the culprit

Teach him a lesson in law he will not forget

The cruelty to animals is forbidden

We can chase them away

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