Sunday, July 04, 2021

karma holds the card


The hound dogs

Feel the fear of no meat

Now they start to bark

Telling they don't like the change

They will say

All for their own benefits

It is a sin to change the government

They have it in false pretences

They conveniently forgot

They stole the elected government

Crushing through the back door

They didn't say it was a sin

The Sheraton suite

They lived up the good life

With power and greed

They thought they would live long

Now the hound dogs

Suddenly they hear running steps

They hear the distant echo of rising storm

They are afraid to lose it all

Because the people raise the white flags

In their minds to manifest the back door has failed

The hound dogs don't see the bad economy

The people's suffering, pain, frustration and fear

They should be honest

Know they are in the wrong

Raise the white flag

Leave it with heads bow

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