Monday, August 16, 2021

goodbye back door


Goodbye back door

No tears or smile

You rocked us

In different tunes

By the back door

The trust deficit grew

The rag tag of misfits

Interested in power and benefits

Throughout the reign

There were always hitting storms

Nothing could come out right

The pandemic threw them in turmoil

Rocking Rona reached over 1.1 million infected

Causing death to reach over 12,100

Even with emergency decree it didn't help

All because of power causing bad vibes

We saw the infection rate shot up

There were no clues to contain it

Eventually lockdowns and MCO

Yet the infection doesn't run away

The economy is on low gears

Businesses closed or slow down

Unemployment is high

The white flags flying

The nation suffers

The people losing hope

The tears flow easily

The economy in low gears

Now it may end

Goodbye back door

Don't let the same faces return

Let a new team and faces get to do the work

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