Tuesday, August 24, 2021

pejuang will not find it easy to win


The Old Man battle cries

He wants to contest 120 seats

In the next GE

He's dreaming to make a return

His Pejuang is a new kid

He may not get the recognition

He sounds too ambitious

It will fall flat on his face

He wants to work solo

He will find it a tough going business

Fighting for the same core voters

Pejuang will be at a disadvantage

Even in his time with Bersatu

He didn't get many seats elected

He lost many in the by elections

He should have learned his lessons

Think big must be realistic

When it is base on a dream

The reality will bite it deep

Pejuang has to join with opposition

In this way he may get a welcome

As he wants to run solo on the crowded seats

He will find it a tough battle to win

As his days are over with the voters

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