Friday, August 20, 2021

the road to the light


The road to the light

It isn't coming to our delight

We have to bear with it

The sinking feeling of the bad

The economy will not gear up

It isn't the way forward yet

With so many have closed down

The outlook isn't a rosy town

We aren't talking about the bad recession

It is about the Great Devastation to come

Once it hits the world economy

There is no escape for small nations

Here we can't have a bargain leader

He will carry his baggage to his role

He has to give rewards for support

The nation can't afford to sustain it

We can't have a puppet leader

He will not be allowed to go freely

Many strings will pull him together

He has to give rewards to stay on his position

We need a dynamic leader

One who can read the economic situations

One who can understand the sentiments of the people

One who can excite the people and the world

The road to the light

There will be badly lit alleyways

The bad will stand at corners

Puffing away grinning at life

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