Tuesday, August 24, 2021

the black turtle ninja


The black Turtle ninja

All dressed up to strike

Standing high on the roof top

Feeling the soft whispering wind

The ninja turtle eyes watching

Counting his breaths to take flight

The man of the hour

The man who can't control Rocking Rona

Now on his promotion

A grin on his masked face

He jumps from the top floor

But he can't move his steps

He is tied down by the puppet strings

Carrying away from his top flight

What the hell!” he mutters

But he knows the truth

His enemies are within his coalition

He can't do a job with them inside his head

So he stands tall

Feeling the wind

Feel the power flow

Yet he can't move ahead

Because he mixes with the wrong group

Forever he has to watch his moves

The black turtle ninja

He may have his shortest stint in life

Unless he listens to good advice

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