Thursday, November 23, 2023

one sided policies must stop


One leg up policies must stop

It only makes a race become lazy

They think the nation owe them crazy

They should wake up quickly

The policies benefitting a race

Through the decades of handouts

It costs us the losing edge in economy

It costs us the brain drain

Till today the policies still stay

Th Renaissance man dares not spook his race

He should set the record straight for advancement

He may have his one term to make himself an impact

Currently he hasn't shifted his focus

He still wants to court his Muslim voters

It will go downhill if he doesn't wake up

He is living in a nation of many colours

Singapore beat her closet neighhour

In everything there is to compete

Because she has a different policy

Everyone is rewarded for hardwork

The Renaissance man

Set the priority right now

He can lose for the good of the nation

He should rewire the nation to progress together

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