Saturday, December 02, 2023

the crocodiles the busybodies


The drunken drink

To each his own way

Nobody should put a stop

Let the person decide

Because it is his fate

If he wants to destroy

His own body rings with liver issues

The crocodiles shoudn't impose

Their way of thinking using religion to pursue

Every race has his own likes and dislikes in religion

The crocodiles shouldn't behave like busybodies

If they don't want to drink it is their choice

Don't impose their will on others as well

Bearing in mind the nation is Secular

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land

The crocodiles still living in the cave mentality

Spinning their tales bringing in the bad vibrations

In the country of many colours to forge ahead

Because Renaissance man doesn't spook his race

The crocodiles will dare to do it all over again

AI should put a stop to the bad press by the crocodiles

He shouldn't be trying to fish for his people to like him

He should use the laws to put a stop of the bad moves

The nation doesn't need the bad publicity at all

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