Saturday, December 02, 2023

the moos dreaming


The Moos still trying the back door

Every time the leaders will say

Keeping up their role in the news

Hoping to break the eggs

Now they claim 10 members

Ready to quit and join them

The Blue eye party and the wolves

What will these 10 members gain?

On paper they will get nothing

The funding will be withdrawn immediately

Leaving them with no funds for their constituencies

Leaving them begging for funds

There will be by elections

If the 10 quit and join another party

As it stands the Moos just wants to blow hot air

They are playing the back door again

Maybe the Moos are worried

5 members from their party supported UG

Though they keep their memberships in the party

They get their fundings immediately

The Moos can still play their game

The ground will swallow them up soon

They have to play it up to stay relevant

Many will move for the better look

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