Friday, January 06, 2023

paradise is economy


Selangor will stay with PH

Pee Anne leaders can dream in the swamp

This is where they all belong feeling their blues

In the state election PH and Bee Anne will hit the high

The crocodiles can lie in the last GE

The voters got hooked especially the young voters

Now they may have realized their own mistakes

Giving their votes away to lose their own freedom

Luckily for these hallucinating voters

The crocodiles couldn't finish their meals

They managed to nap some MP seats

They crocked so hard thinking of the virgin brides

Now they still trying the same tricks

Hallucinating of paradise and virgin brides

The voters should have learned their mistakes

They don't sell their souls away!

Paradise is economy

Rising high to get everyone a living

Paradise is living today in this world

Tomorrow we are all passed out for good

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