Tuesday, May 03, 2022

the Good Lord takes Jimmy home


In the early morning call

The nurse says of a soul will be gone

He can't make it with his life

There is nothing she could do

Jimmy died today

In the hour of the morning ray

He battle it for over many months

Even suffered a bout of Covid 19

Yet he recovered

But he had no will to live

Every waking hour he wanted to go

To visit his mother up in heaven

In his last few months

He couldn't remember many things or faces

He was slowly losing his memories

Sometimes he could; sometimes he lost somewhere

He lived his life

Though he had his bad days too

Now he would be at peace

His wish had come true

He leaves behind his daughter

His brothers and sisters and relatives

Nephews and nieces to mourn his passing

May God bless his soul and forgive his sins

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