Monday, May 02, 2022

the submarine deal


The submarine deal

The truth must be dealt with

Why middleman involved?

Why a murder committed?

It all started in 2002

The lining of pockets

The lucrative commissions

The middleman walked to the bank

The murdered of a woman

Arising from her demand of her share

The commission she claimed she had

The murderers and accomplished C4 the victim

In the secondary forest in Selangor

Blown her to pieces wanting to destroy evidence

Yet two police officers were found guilty

But their superiors giving orders undisclosed

One escape to Australia

How could he do it?
When his case was under appeal?

Somebody wanted him out of the nation

France conducted the criminal investigations

The years brought the parties in France to jail

The company and the executives involved paid the price

Here we haven't seen the light of day

The master mind involved in the murder

The police didn't want to investigate

Maybe they found out who they are

They let the sleeping dogs be

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