Sunday, May 01, 2022

only introduce when the economy is rising


The Labour Day

The wages get a boost

A minimum wage gazette

No employers can escape

The trade unionists will be singing

The praises of how they contribute

The negotiating for a minimum wage

Helping the workers to fight inflation

But is it the right move?

We are living in the pandemic

Causing many companies and shops to shut down

Even recession has set its foot

Is it the right atmosphere for it?

The back door doesn't think through

The trade unionists don't see the trouble ahead

They only think they had make their contributions

The nation hasn't geared up economically

The SMI suffered the most in the pandemic

With the minimum wage some may not want to return

Leaving a vacuum to fill the unemployed

Only introduce it when the economy is rising

Bursting to reach the height once again

Not at the current situation in the country

Of the pandemic still rising concerned

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