Friday, September 09, 2022

it isn't easy to petition for a royal pardon


It is premature to petition

A royal pardon to escape the prison cell

A person has to serve 1/3 of his sentence

Otherwise he mustn't gungho about it

Besides he needs to show he has reformed his ways

He needs others to support him to get his royal pardon

It isn't easy task to get into one's account

One jail bird thought he could earn it without reforming himself

His Majesty shouldn't wait to give his answer

He explained a few days ago about royal pardon

His view will hold so a quickie royal pardon will not happen

And a new prisoner shouldn't jump the queue!

The jailed kleptocrat will stay in jail a long time

He better gets use to living in the cell

He shouldn't be allowed any exceptional excuses

The prison SOP shouldn't have double standards

Now close the door on royal pardon

The jailed kleptocrat shouldn't dream on it

His Majesty should take his own advice

Let the kleptocrat stay in jail a long time

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