Thursday, September 22, 2022

religion should be out of politics


Religion should be out of politics

It shouldn't be used to pull wool over the eyes

The politicians shouldn't be allowed to do it

The party shouldn't use it as its core rule

Religion whatever our faith

It should stay private in our minds

We mustn't allow the politicians to exploit it

We have seen how it erode the foundation

We have seen how it happen

In the Middle East countries

These leaders use religion for their own benefits

Give them the power to exploit for their own base

In the crocodile land

The states are poorly managed

These politicians will shout of glory and joy

But economy they can't get it going

It is best the people change it

Let any religion stay in the privacy of our minds

We can debate to understand each religion

But it shouldn't be used for political purposes

We have seen how it happen

In the Middle East countries

The people are suffering

These leaders use religion for their own benefits

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