Wednesday, June 08, 2022

mo1 finding ways to avoid jail


MO1 trying to avoid jail

In his SRC case he is trying to find ways

He still stands convicted right up to COA

Yet he tries to make up his stories

He knows he is cooked

The Apex court will find him on the wrong

He is fishing on his cooked up attempt to get free

The judge reasoning is reasonable and fair

His bail should be cancelled

Let him stay in prison so he can shut up

He has to wear the orange suit

Otherwise he will try to invent his tales

Macc has over stepped its boundary

Because the head wants to curry favour

A judge can be removed by a tribunal

As it stated in the Constitution

Gather whatever you can find

Present your case in the Apex court

But he uses live conference to input his demands

It shows he is on the last bend to fall to Bamboo river

The judge himself makes police report

On a report by bankrupt fugitive blogger in UK

It shows the judge has nothing to hide

But Macc concludes its investigation so quickly!

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