Saturday, September 04, 2021

Rocking Rona will stay


Rocking Rona

We can't run away

We have to live with it

For a few more years

C19 may die by itself

When it has caused us to wake up

Realizing our sins and greed

Telling us Nature has to be protected

Maybe others don't agree

What has Nature got to do with it?

The many viruses and diseases we are hit

It is Nature way to tell us “Enough of greed!”

We can feel the bad vibrations now

As Rocking Rona hits us and the world

It doesn't spare us on its strikes

It's telling us don't be too greedy

We are living in the hard times

It is Nature sending us messages

We have to mend our ways

Taking care of Nature for our own benefits

Rocking Rona will stay

We have to follow rules

We can't play our own

We will be hit with its strikes

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