Saturday, December 17, 2022

the scammers on the bank accounts holders


The scammers on the bank accounts holders

They can easily hijack and withdraw the money

Leaving the bank accounts holders in tears

The cash just disappear and the recovery slow

The hustle to file report

The bank itself, Bank Negara and police

The bank will try to avoid liability

The accounts holders always get the blame

Yet the banks don't come out with solutions

Why their systems can be easily betrayed the customers?

There must be a wall to stop unauthorised withdrawals

On the banks to make the security work for the customers

The banks should use the pin numbers before each withdrawal

The hackers may not get access to it unless the customers give it

Like the credit card holders they have to key in their pin numbers

Like wise it should be for the bank accounts holders

The scammers on the bank accounts holders

We read it many times in the news

Why the banks haven't improved the systems?

Why not key in their full IC numbers as a security wall?

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