Wednesday, September 04, 2019

nature will strike back quietly

Nature is slowly striking back
Without fanfare or polish graphics
Nature comes naturally in her time
While we may fall asleep or work so hard

The strong wind blowing
It changes names in each country
It pounds the land hard and severe
Telling the world wake up now!

The glaciers melt it away
The rising tides will swallow up the land
Cities or town near to the seas
Nature will flood it on seasons

Tame volcanoes turn up alive
Spewing hot lava and red cream flowing
The air will become bad and toxic
People living near will run or die

The unnecessary open burning
Causing us breathing bad tiniest particles
In time we will suffer for our own folly
We will dig our own graves

Don’t talk about diseases
It has been with us for centuries
The time we haven’t learned our mistakes
Nature will strike back quietly

Nature will not sit down
She can’t pretend she is in the dark
We have pushed her hard to a corner
Nature will strike back quietly

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